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Rescue Engine 92 Committee Travels to Pierce MFG
By Bay District Volunteers
February 3, 2019
On January 27 several committee members traveled to Appleton, Wisconsin for the pre-engineering conference.
Once we arrived Sunday after lunch we went straight to work on the spec of our new unit. The Committee was able to get through half the spec before calling it a night. Monday morning the group didn’t hesitate to get to work. As the employees arrived to work so did we. It was a long day for the committee going through the rest of the spec, meeting with the graphics department, and the engineers. Several trips out to the assembly line were needed to get reference points on a couple key issues on our rear attack & supply lines. Tuesday morning, we knocked out the switch layouts and pump panel layouts before attempting to come home that evening. Weather delayed us due to the frigid temperatures in Wisconsin which as you can see in the photo is the outside temperature as we arrived at the Milwaukee airport on Wednesday.
As of now the tentative construction start date is May 15 with a completion date of July 10. We will keep everyone up to date on our progress.
Our salesman Randy and one of Pierces many engineers.
Cabs being manufactured
Rear of another rescued engine we used for references