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We train and we train to serve you better.
By Public Information Officer Douglas Medley
October 6, 2016
I see that we are lacking on a few stories so I thought I would do something on here that I don't think our guys get enough credit for and that is in the field of training. We do our training on Monday nights from 1800 hrs till around 2100 hrs and sometimes longer. Now this is the night when many of our members who can't always make the calls but want to keep their skills up to what is expected of all our firefighters. With our training facility out back of station 3 that was the brain child of 1st Vice President Richard Sullivan we don't have to drive to far to pretty much do anything that is required of a firefighter on the scene of a call.
I so enjoy watching our guys preform and remember when all we had back in the day was the side of old station 3 and the hose tower. We have come a long way Baby as they say. Now I can't begin to try and describe everything they do but you that are firefighters from other departments can figure it out from the pictures provided by my assistant Firefighter/Driver Bruce Theden who works as my legs. Another thing about the drills is it gives our younger officers a chance to work as the head officer on the fire ground. Our training officer Ass't Chief Mark Warren along with the Deputy Chief's Stockwell and Vallangingham act as observers and critique the drill afterwards.
Now it's always nice to have our associates provide us with refreshments which I'm able to partake in and don't need no officer to critique me on that. So if you are ever up our way on a Monday night other than the 3rd Monday (business meeting) stop by and check us out. Who knows we might interest you enough that you might want to fill out an application to join us. Always welcome. And for any other departments that would be interested in using our facility's just contact our training officer "A" Chief Mark Warren to set something up. We have done it in the past and glad to do it. If you just want to stop by and check out the stuff out back call him as we keep it locked up for obvious reasons cause if we didn't it would soon turn into Hotel Lexington Park.
The boys made a convertible out of this one. This keeps them in practice for Maryland Route 235.
Tower 9.
Command Unit
Crews getting ready to go in the training tower.
I don't have anything that will do pictures in the dark. Sorry
Some of the fellows.
Meeting of the minds Montross and Stockwell.
Need we say who this? Amsoil Man
Drivers Rick Corcoran and Pat Stanley.
Associate Jamie Olson with our refreshments. You can always count on her.
Kevin Jassey, head down I think is Matt Calloway with my photographer Bruce Theden and Noodle Warren.
Meeting again of the minds just more of them.
Carry that ladder men.
Again. who is doing all the work.
Looks nice doesn't it. All lit up.
Some of these I don't know who you are maybe you do.
Same stuff
Rick and Pat
A little smoke showing.
Water supply
Jeff Howard and Steve Wurtz kneeling.
Don't know who the backside but Tod Jackson and Dave Martoni.
Our boy Taz and I think Stockwell.
They spend a lot of time doing this. Loading hose between different scenarios. It takes up most of the night.