Trailer Fire
By Bay District Volunteers
June 3, 2023

On Saturday at 1130 am Bay District Volunteers were alerted for a working trailer fire.

Units responded and Tower 9 was first arriving with fire showing throughout. Engine 31 arrived shortly after and Tower 9's crew split up and assisted the Engine with extinguishment of the fire while the other crew members completed a primary search. Units from Pax River arrived and completed the water supply and pulled a backup line. Truck 13 assisted in RIT. Units from Hollywood arrived and the Engine assisted in fire attack while the Truck assisted in opening up, secondary search and overhaul. Engine 61 arrived and set up a secondary water supply with Engine 91.

Units operated on scene for close to 3 hours before going into service. The Red Cross was contacted to assist with the displaced homeowner and the Maryland State Fire Marshall responded to the scene to investigate the fire. Unfortunately, several pets perished in the fire.

** Most photos courtesy of **

Units: Engine 31, Squad 3, Engine 91, Tower 9
Mutual Aid: NAS Pax River Engine 132, NAS Pax River Truck 13, Truck 7, Engine 73, Engine 61, Ambulance 387
Hyperlinks: SMNEWSNET